此次的新娘非常有古典美,所以在MV的開場時運用老上海的音樂和懷舊畫面來增加印象,這次用輕快的曲風來襯托新人活潑的個性且親屬之間感情非常融洽,新娘穿旗袍與新郎共舞也別有一番風味更掀起了婚禮的高潮,至於新郎在闖關遊戲中說了"實話"令人會心一笑,也祝新人新婚愉快 ~
This time bride is classical beauty, therefore Brad use classical music and old effect in the beginning and I also use fast tempo music to show their lively. When the bride put on the Chinese dress and dance with the bridegroom together that get another highlight in wedding. And the bridegroom says the "truth" in the game let everyone is impressive. Finally wish this couple is happy forever ~





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This is second time to serve this couple (because they like cinematography in engagement). The bridegroom's occupation is special, so brad use powerful music in beginning to show his work. I believe their relationship is like highlights' words that treasure everyday in their life ~ also congratulate the "policeman" happy and love forever!





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當brad聽到此次新人交往的過程,真的覺得緣份就是如此的奇妙,新人從小學到大學一直都是同校同學,但卻從來不熟識,直到進入社會後才知道原來對方一直都在身邊進而交往到決定一起攜手走下去,此次拍攝的重點放在新娘與家人的親情中,尤其最後新娘對父親說的感言,真的令在場的親友無不動容。我想這也是新娘給父親最好的禮物,過了幾年後再拿出MV看一定也都是感動不已,也願新人永遠幸福快樂 ^_^
When I heard their love story that so marvelous what I think. They studied the same school from the elementary to the university but they don't know each other. This time focus on family members with bride, the especially bride expresses her feeling to the father that is really touch to everyone. I think it is best gift to the father. Finally congratulations them and happy forever ^_^





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This time bride is the South Korean overseas Chinese. When I photograph their daily live. The bride also show her Korean cuisine and taste really "good". Brad hope both families can understand the highlight MV so I put the Chinese and the Korean subtitle. Wish their South Korea's wedding is smooth and succeed!





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這次新人的個性非常活潑及nice,整場婚禮也營造出十分溫馨及開心的氛圍,新人事前就跟brad溝通要以這首歌曲做為MV的主旋律,雖然這首歌屬於慢版 節奏但brad仍然把活潑的婚禮和歌曲融合,出來的效果極好,證明了活潑的婚禮並不一定要以快節奏的方式呈現,此次的MV參雜許多心裡的話都以小白板的方式抒寫出來,除了有趣更能增添MV的趣味感,也值得其他新人做為參考喔 ~
This couple is lively and nice. When we communication they request this song for the highlights MV and brad is successful to combine the cheerful wedding ceremony with this song for slow rhythm, that prove the lively wedding ceremony is not necessarily must use the quick rhythm. They also prepare some whiteboards and let customers can write blessing to them. That is a good ideal ~





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This couple hope that MV could present the sweet style. I use many romantic elements to let the MV is more fancy. They like this cinematograph and want to broadcast it in wedding day. I will create each kind of style for MV and satisfiy all the demand from new couple. Finally, blessing them happy forever.





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Shon & Tina are lovely and lively couple when I first met them. Everybody attend their wedding ceremony from around the world. And this time all decoration in wedding ceremony by parents. Tina put on the Chinese dress that her mother give her and dance with father to bring another high tide in wedding. I am honored to take part in wedding and bless them happy forever.





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這次的新人 Eric&Sandra 長年旅居海外,特別回國舉行宴客,也感謝新人在國外看了brad的作品後就立即預約,新郎的沉穩加上新娘的活潑,所以有她的地方就有歡笑,也為MV增添許多精采的鏡頭,以及母親感性的發言及叮嚀再再顯示出不捨的情感,也為MV注入了溫馨的色彩,也祝福他們永遠幸福快樂~
Eric&Sandra are live abroad for a long year. This time returns to Taiwan for banquet, also thanks new person watch my blog and make an appointment with me. After they will go back U.S.A., so mother's speech is touch my heart and show her worried emotion to them. let the warm element pours into the MV.





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This couple both like to ride bicycle. Brad is not only record wedding ceremony and also film their activity in weekday. These combine together let the MV more interesting. Hope them love each other forever.





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